AWR – Messing With My Mind


House beat with soulful vocals and a deep house vibe.  Vocally this hits the spot for me.  Think SEAL with a bit more Jazz influence coming through.

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About this song

Release 3 june on own label via Phonofile. AWR, Andreas Waaler Røshol, is a Norwegian singer-songwriter and producer from Bergen, the same city as Sonny Alven, Kygo and Allan Walker.

AWR is dragging the Deep House genre with him back in time towards the 80s on a jazzy time-machine, with his new track: Messing with My Mind. Whilst tracks in the EDM scene usually consist of a instrumental and vocals, Messing with my Mind consist of a full fledged production, including multiple horns, grand piano and a jazzy electric guitar. Don’t be frightened; it’s neatly controlled and glued together with soothing vocals and catchy hooks. The track is original, which is often the result when creative minds take the full control, AWR is not only performing vocals and writing the track, but producing it as well.

Lead trumpet: Pål Gunnar Fiksdal, Trombone; Runar Fiksdal, 2nd trumpet: Idar Eliassen Pedersen, Grand Piano: Audun Barsten Johnsen and Backing-vocals by Emilie Bjørnstad.