Midnight Mystery Club – Richest Man in The World


Think Phil Collins vocals over a smooth and delectable modern house beat.  Midnight Mystery Club nails this sound to a T.  If you haven’t heard his first release “Run” but sure to check it here

Midnight Mystery Club is definitely an artist to keep an eye on.

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Analogue Electronic Whatever – European Home

AnalogueHop aboard the time machine and lets travel back in time to the land of Kraftwerk.  This track expertly captures that era of music and production with its own harmony and melody.  Anyone that has a love of retro-synth sounds will love this track.  I’ve had this track on repeat for the last hour, still can’t get enough of it.

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About this song

‘Analogue, electronic, whatever it happens to be, I simply love and adore literally every aspect of making music’ – John Lydon

Using cast-away sounds, re-cycled synths and drum machines AEW create a balance between pop structures and experimentation. The sounds and textures are crafted from vintage sources creating warm and mellow music that explores themes ofchildhood, the natural world, industrialism and pop history.

European home is the first in a series of releases from Analogue Electronic Whatever



You Are Number Six – Tropic Of Love

You Are Number Six

France’s very own You Are Number Six has just released his latest work entitled, “Tropic of Love”.   It’s a number that embraces the 80’s sythpop sound in all it’s glory.    Vocals remind me of a mix between Psychedelic Furs and Pulp.

[fap_track id=”8927″ layout=”list” enqueue=”yes” auto_enqueue=”yes”]