Plastic Plates – Stay In Love (feat. Sam Sparro)


I personally think this is his best collaboration to date.  I strongly urge Sam to do more tracks, perhaps an EP with Plastic Plates.  Not that he’ll read this, but I’m sending it out to the universe for more of this fabulous collab.  This track comes the closest to his magic on “Black and Gold”,

Classixx – I’ll Get You (ft. Jeppe)



Really looking forward to hearing Jeppe Laursen’s own full length, which according to several sources should be on it’s way.  Jeppe is on my, oh-my-god I can’t believe I get to work with…, dream list of people I would be over-the-moon to work with.  He has such a strong presence with all of the good synth 80’s influences seeping in.  For the time being, I will enjoy his previous collaborations like this track from Classixx.