Rony Rex – Fabric

If this track doesn’t get you moving, there is something seriously wrong. I can only imagine how this sounds on a large sound system blasting that woozy bass and that high pitched wood block lead line. It’s probably not a stretch here to imagine this song is destined to get played on cat walks across the globe. The energy is second to none and that hook of ‘I’m cut from a different cloth’ just kills. All around crowd-pleaser and now if we can only get the clubs back open to play this bad-boy.


Gianni Canetti – Freakout

Talk about starting a track on the right foot, that’s exactly what Gianni did here. The beat starts it all off and blam we are into the chorus with a deep bass and the intimate vocals of Gianni. I love the sparseness of the this track which only includes the absolute necessity of instrumentation. Looking at his bio, he is actually from the land of the Beatles, in other words Liverpool – I would have never guessed that. The song is addictive and catchy, so listener beware.