It’s that vocal/pad sound that pulls my ears in. It kinda has a haunting almost slowed down Doctor Who vibe to it.
Best of 2014 (Top 25 Electronic Pop / Dance)
Here is my top 25 Electronic Pop / Dance songs of 2014. The two acts that stood above the rest for me last year were Röyksopp and Years & Years. To listen to the entire playlist, just click on the audio player below and enjoy !
Best Electronic Music of 2014:
[fap_playlist id=”2334″ layout=”list” enqueue=”no” playlist_button=”” auto_enqueue=”yes” center=”no”]
Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto – Can’t Stop Playing (Makes Me High) [feat. Ane Brun]
Turn this one up before heading out tonight! High energy house with vocals by Ane Brun.